Two things Every dealer can do for free to enhance thier online presence
For every dealer there are two NO COST things I see that are often overlooked that could seriously enhance their online presence.
1- Creative daily post on social media – creative. Not just pictures of inventory
2- Posting actual pictures of the unit on the website (then sharing as an organic post on FB)
The first one is something that every dealer can take advantage of immediately if you aren’t already doing it. Somewhere in your sales department there is someone sitting on Facebook at least 1-2 hours a day scrolling aimlessly (I’ll bet more). I’m sure you can identify them almost immediately. Go to them and tell them you need help running your Facebook page, give them access to be an admin and ask them to post on your business page at least 1-2 times per day (We post 3-5 but some would call this overkill). This takes no more than 15-20 min of time per day. By doing this you are reminding your current followers (or people in your sales funnel) that you exist and that you are active on Facebook. Facebook rewards active users and the more you post the more engagement you get, the more engagement you get, the more people Facebook shows your post to. Dealerships that are active on Facebook are 30% more likely to have a customer walk in their door if the customer is considering visiting a dealership in the next week. This is because they continue to see you online, it’s sort of like brainwashing but in a good way, the more they see you online the more top of mind your dealership is, the more top of mind you, are the more likely they visit your dealership over your competition. Also, when you post content on Facebook, your biggest fans as well as your employees will share your content to their page promoting you to their circle of influence FOR FREE. Below are a few ideas of daily content that can be posted on your page.
1- Pictures of new inventory
2- Video walk arounds of units with the sales department
3- Pictures of the customers with their new unit after the sale
4- Pictures of employees interacting with customers
5- Video walk through of each department
6- Service specials
7- Discounted parts and accessories
8- 30 second video introduction of staff and managers
9- Current specials on aged inventory
10- Staff introduction with picture of member and brief description of what they do at the dealership
The second thing is to post actual pictures of the unit on your website over the “stock” images that get prepopulated when you add a piece of inventory on your website. As most of you know some of the manufacturers are already pushing you to do this and they tie your reward points to them. (IE – Polaris North Star Rewards system). There is good reason as to why they are asking you to do this. Let me put it this way, when you’re looking for a car online (new or used) and you’re on Autotrader, Carvana, Cargurus or even your local car dealer’s website, do you scroll past the ones with stock images? I sure as heck do. I don’t even waste my time clicking on it. I go straight to the ones with actual pictures of the car or truck I am looking for. Cycle Trader did a study almost 10 years ago and found that listings with actual photos got SIX times more clicks and views than those with stock images. If you’re paying for a website or paying for Cycle Trader and you’re not posting actual photos, you are really just wasting money. People will hit your site, stay long enough to see you have a bunch of stock images and then leave and go to another dealer’s site who does. The only effort it takes of you (the GM or Owner) will be to find someone in your dealership with a smart phone who has a few extra hours a week, give them access to be an admin on your website and have them start taking 5-8 pictures of each unit and posting them in place of the stock image and then hold them accountable. Set them a goal to get at least 2-3 vehicles online per day. Once you get all of them online you usually don’t have to change them out until the next year model rolls around. For example, when a new unit comes in and gets built, the woman that posts for us is notified by the builder, she goes out and takes pictures of it to post online and then the unit is placed on the showroom floor. She posts the pictures of the unit on the website and also shares the pictures on Facebook as a “New unit alert”. Do not tie a vin number to these. Let them act as a placeholder for every “Red CBR1000RR” that comes in this year. Even if you don’t have that particular unit anymore, wouldn’t you want to still get a lead so you can take a deposit for the next one or potentially get them in the door to look at other options?
These are two things that you can do at no cost that can help maximize your online presence and increase your chances of getting a lead or a customer walking into the door. They only take a few hours a week and can be done by almost anyone in your dealership with a smartphone and the willingness to help. They are mandatory at my dealership and once you implement them and make them a regular practice they will start getting done automatically.