Follow up and why it is so important in today’s enviornment

What is follow up? By definition follow up is something that continues or completes a process or activity. Follow up in your dealership my be the single biggest opportunity to grow your business this year short of spending money on advertising.


Here’s the facts –

-        48% of all sales people NEVER follow up with a prospect

-        65% of all dealerships don’t nurture leads they PAID to get

-        25% of all sales people never make a second contact

-        Only 2% of all sales are made on the first contact

-        Leads that were texted three times or more after the first contact are 328% more likely to convert.


Are you sick yet?

79% of all leads in a dealership never convert, the reason is because they aren’t nurtured. To nurture something means you need to pay attention to it. This may be a personal visit, sending them a txt, a link, or some information. To nurture means to form a relationship. I was once told that the difference between a contact and a contract is the letter R and the R stood for relationship. Lead nurturing is forming a relationship with the consumer. Follow up is your opportunity to stand out from your competition and to create a relationship with a consumer. This goes back to what I have said before, we are no longer shooting fish in a barrel. Inventory levels are rising, manufactures are giving rebates and floor plan interest is in our near future (I’m sure Wells Fargo loves this). Follow up is one of the ways you can guarantee that your business stays on track and continues to increase even in a time of economical pull back.


Follow up is seeing something all the way through. Your business and your economy are dependent upon your ability to see an activity all the way through. 80% of all sales are made between the 5th and 12th contact. If your salespeople aren’t following up that many times, then you are missing out on 80% of your potential business.  I have compiled a list of the top 10 follow ups you can use in your sales department right now to increase your sales.


1-    Txt follow up – video walk around of the unit they were interested in and thank them for calling or coming in. If no unit in stock, “selfie” video thanking them for their time today.

2-    Scarcity follow up – Other salespeople are working deals on the particular unit

3-    Inventory update – find 1-2 other in stock units similar to what they were interested in.

a.     Call – if no answer, leave a voicemail

b.    Txt pics of unit with phrase “hey call me back asap I have something to show you!”

4-    Special offer – Consult with sales manager for “special offer”

5-    Striving to earn your business

-        Txt or email this phrase – “obviously (client name) you can see how hard I’m working to earn your business, and your right, I’m going to continue to do so. Just think about how hard ill work to keep your business.” Chances are if you have followed up 5 times you have followed up more than your competition. This will help you stand out

6-    Payment/financing follow up – This is for approved customers

-make sure the payment they were quoted was in the realm of what they were looking for if so discuss If they are on the right unit.


7-    Management follow up – Once you have tried 2-3 follow ups, have the manager call to find out why they haven’t made a decision. (It may be you!)

8-    The Tag in – have another salesperson call the customer and explain to them that all you have been talking about was this one deal and this one client!

9-    I saw this and thought of you. – video, picture, news, accessory they mentioned, a book, etc.

10-          Social media follow up – find them on FB IG like pics and send them a message. STAY TOP OF MIND. Post about the unit they were looking for, etc.


4 steps to overcome the price shopper


Two things Every dealer can do for free to enhance thier online presence